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3 Etagen Lkw con Llnks

3 Etagen Lkw von rechts


National and international animal transport

Livestock needs to be handled with care – water for the animals and the right temperature. Transporting animals makes exacting demands of the person in charge in terms of his experience, commitment, know-how and driving skills. We have 5 qualified and experienced drivers who collect and deliver the animals and also ensure their well-being. These drivers undergo regular training and have qualification certificates proving their ability to transport animals.

With our QS-certified fleet and professional drivers, we satisfy the latest EU animal protection regulations. Our vehicles are equipped with air suspension and long loading ramps for animal-friendly loading and unloading. All vehicles are cleaned and disinfected in washing and disinfection systems. We make the transport process as pleasant as possible for the animals and guarantee that all breeding stock, livestock and slaughter animals arrive at their destination healthy and safe. Every loading process is monitored by an official veterinarian. Our drivers inform the customers directly from underway about the precise time of arrival.


Animal-friendly transports – our vehicles

    • Long-haul vehicles with 3 storeys for calves, 18.75 m overall length, equipped with a ventilation system and 1,500 litre water tank; capacity: 200 to 250 calves, depending on size and weight, for transports to Spain, France, Italy and Austria
    • Trailer for short trips
    • Lorry for collecting the animals
    • Jeep with trailer for transporting single animals



designed by Wagner & Partner